Decide , How do I decide on the right training?

It’s your decision

Listen to your head and your heart! Only you and your interests are important - and not which profession others like best.

Mechatronics engineer? Management assistant in retail business? Or would you prefer something with media? You’re spoilt for choice. But it’s not as bad as all that: Many youths and young adults have very different career aspirations to start with. It is important to take time to consider your various wishes. Talking to friends, parents or a counselling session at the BiZ (career information centre) can help. What’s more, you can get to know us at various career fairs and, with a bit of luck, we might even pay your school a visit!

Have a look at the page Our professions too: Here, the diverse training occupations in the Federal Administration are described and you will find answers to the following questions:

  • What do I do in this profession?
  • Where do I work?
  • What is important?
  • What do I earn during training?
  • What school qualifications do I need?
  • What alternatives do I have?

You can find descriptions of other professions in BERUFENET on the Internet site of the Federal Employment Agency. These descriptions are usually linked directly to the job offers on our site.